Fly Ash Brick VS Clay Brick

What are the differences between fly ash bricks and clay bricks?

Fly ash bricks are born from an intriguing blend of fly ash, water, and a dash of lime or gypsum. Fly ash, the unsung hero of our story, is a minuscule byproduct of coal combustion – think pixie dust small.

They’re made from a mix of fly ash, water and a bit of lime or gypsum. Fly ash is a byproduct of coal burning, and it’s super tiny – like, dust tiny.

  • Production: These bricks are made in high-pressure machines, which gives them their smooth, uniform look.
  • Color: They have a pleasing grey color, sort of like a cloudy day.
  • Strength: Because of the high pressure, they’re quite sturdy.

On the other hand, clay bricks are the traditional choice. They’re made from clay (hence the name), water and fire.

  • Production: Clay bricks are fired in a kiln, a special oven that gets super hot. This gives them a unique, handcrafted look.
  • Color: They range from a light tan to a deep red, depending on the clay used.
  • Strength: While not as strong as fly ash bricks, they’re still pretty tough.

The standard for fly ash bricks

Fly ash bricks are classified into five strength grades according to compressive strength and flexural strength, which are MU30, MU25, MU20, MU15, MU10.

They are classified into grade A, grade B, and grade C according to size deviation, appearance quality, strength grade and dry shrinkage.

The dimension is 240 mm×115 mm×53 mm.

So, which brick is better? It really depends on what you’re looking for. But don’t worry, we’ll dive deeper into their performances and production costs in the next sections, so stay tuned!


What are the advantages of using fly ash bricks?

Fly ash bricks are superior to traditional clay bricks in several ways. They absorb less water, making them more resistant to moisture – ideal for high humidity or heavy rainfall areas.

These bricks are made from fly ash, a waste product of coal combustion, making them an environmentally friendly choice. They have greater compressive strength than clay bricks, making them more durable and suitable for high-strength requirements like bridges and high-rise buildings.

Manufacturing fly ash bricks is less energy and resource-intensive than clay bricks, making them a cost-effective option for large construction projects.

What are the advantages of using clay bricks?

Clay bricks offer thermal insulation, controlling indoor temperature and saving energy. They’re great for regions with extreme weather, ensuring indoor comfort.

Being made from natural materials, clay bricks are eco-friendly, emitting no harmful gases during production. They are recyclable, promoting sustainability by reducing waste.

With a unique aesthetic appeal, clay bricks can be molded into various shapes and sizes. Their wide range of colors and textures makes them flexible for both traditional and modern architectural styles.


What are the disadvantages of using fly ash bricks?

So, you’re asking, “What’s the downside of the fly ash brick story?” Well, let’s dive in and explore some of the potential hiccups.

  • Water Issues: Fly ash bricks absorb water a bit too eagerly. This could lead to dampness in your walls, especially if you live in a rainy area.
  • Availability: Not as common as clay bricks, you might struggle to find fly ash bricks in some regions. So, your dream of building a fly ash brick house could hit a roadblock.
  • Size Matters: These bricks are usually larger than traditional clay bricks. This could mess with your construction plans if the design is specifically for clay bricks.

Now, don’t let these drawbacks scare you! Every brick has its pros and cons. It’s just about finding the right fit for your needs.

Remember, the perfect brick is the one that suits your project and budget the best!

What are the disadvantages of using clay bricks?

Clay bricks lack durability and are prone to chipping and cracking compared to concrete or stone.

The production of clay bricks is not environmentally friendly, consuming large amounts of energy and causing air pollution.

Temperature changes and moisture can cause clay bricks to crack and deteriorate over time, unlike the stronger fly ash bricks.

Due to the energy-intensive manufacturing process, clay bricks are more expensive, making fly ash bricks a cheaper option.

Which brick is more cost-effective?

Imagine the bricks as twins separated at birth, growing up in totally different environments, but still having the same last name – ‘Brick’.

  • Fly Ash Bricks: These are the modern, sophisticated siblings. They’re made from industrial waste – fly ash – and are all about being eco-friendly and efficient.
  • Clay Bricks: The traditional, reliable sibling. Born from clay, they’re the time-tested option with a history as old as civilization itself.

Let’s explore why fly ash bricks may be a more affordable option, considering factors like production costs, maintenance, energy efficiency, etc.

Factor Fly Ash Bricks Clay Bricks
Production Cost Low. The main ingredient, fly ash, is an industrial waste and is therefore readily available at cheaper costs. Plus, the manufacturing process requires less energy. Higher, due to the cost of clay, labor, and energy consumed in the kiln during baking.
Maintenance Lower. These bricks are more uniform, dense, and less porous, reducing the cost of plastering and painting. Higher. Clay bricks tend to absorb more water and require more maintenance over time.
Energy Efficiency Higher. Fly ash bricks have better insulation properties, reducing energy bills. Lower. Traditional clay bricks have poor insulation, leading to higher energy costs for heating or cooling.
Environmental Impact Lower. Using fly ash reduces industrial waste and carbon emissions associated with the production process. Higher. The kiln process for clay bricks contributes significantly to carbon emissions.

Comparing these two is like comparing apples and oranges. Each has its pros and cons. But in terms of cost, fly ash bricks appear to be more economical than clay bricks.

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